fortune telling

美 [ˈfɔːrtʃən ˈtelɪŋ]英 [ˈfɔːtʃuːn ˈtelɪŋ]
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fortune tellingfortune telling


the art or gift of prophecy (or the pretense of prophecy) by supernatural means
Synonym: divination foretelling soothsaying


  1. Fortune telling remains popular with Chinese people even today .


  2. Several friends were discussing the subject of fortune telling .


  3. It 's just like fortune telling , he says .


  4. Before that , palmistry was their preferred method of fortune telling .


  5. So for those of you majoring in fortune telling go ahead and burn the midnight oil


  6. Mike is calling a fortune telling hotline .


  7. After this experience , I never went with my friend for fortune telling again , but she continued to go occasionally .


  8. Mike is calling a fortune telling hotline . Investigation of MacPherson 's View on Equality from the Marxist Perspective


  9. But people say that fortune telling can make your luck go bad . So I also know about a lot of tricks to gain good luck .


  10. Some people think that the scourge had been through the real dream , fortune telling , and so have prophecies statement indicates .


  11. Even today , fortune telling ceremonies are still carried on unwittingly or half-jokingly in Halloween party games like apple bobbing .


  12. Suze Orman has made a fortune telling people to grow their wealth through frugality , despite having no personal experience in the matter .


  13. This is not a course for fortune telling , but teaches how to use these intuitive arts for personal awareness and higher consciousness , both for yourself and others .


  14. Taoism arising from the Eastern Han period , the introduction of Buddhism is also at this time , plus the original fortune telling , witchcraft , forming a complex confusion of the religious field .


  15. This makes Chinese Fortune Telling Leaflets not only have the meaning of language and culture , religious significance , but also contain unique artistic features , language culture and the arts applied to instances of religious activities .


  16. Fortune telling is by no means a stable source of income . " Sometimes I earn thousands of yuan from a happy customer , but occasionally , I have to pay for my own trip and earn nothing at all , " he said .


  17. With the baptism and temper in the long history , it has been continuously developing and improving , and forms abundant cultural connotations of health preserving , music , architecture , painting , fortune telling and so on , and finally establishes its own system .
